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  Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları>Cilt 11, Sayı 1-2 >Özet 8 <geri

The history of dentistry education in Turkey (1908-1933)

Ali Y. Baltacıoğlu* & İsmail H. Baltacıoğlu

The teaching of dentistry started in 1909 in the "School of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Midwifery" attached to the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Istanbul Darülfünunu (University). The School was located at the mansion of Menemenli Mustafa Pasha at the Kadırga district of Istanbul. The dean of the Medical Faculty Dr. Cemil Paşa [Topuzlu, 1866-1958] and Dr. Kösemihalzade Halit Şazi Bey (1869-1921) collaborated in the foundation of the School, and the first director was Dr. Mustafa Münif Paşa [Kocaolçun, 1855-1937]. Following the University Reformation of 1933, the teaching of pharmacy and midwifery became separated from the teaching of dentistry with the creation of the "School of Dentistry." This school was still attached to the Medical Faculty of Istanbul University. The present paper examines the early decades of the teaching of dentistry (between 1908 and 1933) when the hegemony of the Medical Faculty's administration was strongly felt on the School.

Key words: Cemil Topuzlu, dentistry education, Faculty of Dentistry, Halit Şazi Bey, history of dentistry, Istanbul University, Mustafa Münif Kocaolçun, School of Dentistry.


Son güncelleme: 01.11.2016

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