Studies in Ottoman Science
Anofficial publication of the Department of the History of Science, Faculty of Letters, Istanbul University, Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları (Studies in Ottoman Science) is a peer-reviewed bi-annual international academic journal. Founded in 1995, it is the oldest academic journal in its field in Turkey. The journal welcomes original research articles and research notes on the history of science, technology and medicine composed in Turkish, English and French. Articles in translation, reviews of books newly published as well as reports of scientific meetings in the field are also accepted. The journal is currently issued both as hard-copy and online. The electronic issues are available at
Studies in Ottoman Science is a biannual international referred academic journal.
It is abstracted and indexed by TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM.
Full texts (1995 ¦ ) are available at
Feza Günergun
İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Bilim Tarihi Bölümü
34134 Beyazıt, Fatih, İstanbul, Türkiye. Fax. 90 (212) 511 43 71,
Editorial Board
Feza Günergun (Editor), Hüseyin Yazıcı, Feridun Emecen,
Ali Arslan, Mehmet Canatar, Mustafa Kaçar, Sevtap Kadıoğlu
Sorumlu Müdür: Gaye Şahinbaş Erginöz |
Gabor Agoston, Georgetown |
Deniz Mazlum Tütengil, İstanbul |
Gediz Akdeniz, İstanbul |
Rhoads Murphey, Birmingham |
Virginia H. Aksan, Ontario |
Christoph K. Neumann, İstanbul |
Mustafa Aktar, İstanbul |
Efthymios Nicolaïdis, Atina |
Ali Akyıldız, İstanbul |
Haluk Oral, İstanbul |
Asuman Baytop, İstanbul |
İlber Ortaylı, İstanbul |
Atilla Bir, İstanbul |
Mehmet Özdoğan, İstanbul |
İdris Bostan, İstanbul |
Cihan Saçlıoğlu, İstanbul |
Sonja Brentjes, Berlin |
Gert Schubring, Bielefeld |
Mehmet Canatar, İstanbul |
Ekrem Sezik, Ankara |
Ferruh Dinçer, Ankara |
Johann Strauss, Strasbourg |
Emre Dölen, İstanbul |
Celal Şengör, İstanbul |
Şeref Etker, İstanbul |
Ramazan Şeşen, İstanbul |
Orhan Gölbaşı İstanbul |
Gökmen Tektunalı, İstanbul |
Şefik Görkey, İstanbul |
Hüseyin Gazi Topdemir, Ankara |
Feza Günergun, İstanbul |
Zafer Toprak, İstanbul |
Mustafa Kaçar, İstanbul |
Şafak Ural, İstanbul |
Sevtap Kadıoğlu, İstanbul |
Yavuz Unat, Kastamonu |
Esin Kahya, Ankara |
George Vlahakis, Atina |
Mehmet Kanar, İstanbul |
Namık Yalçın, İstanbul |
Aykut Kazancıgil, İstanbul |
Neşe Yelkenkaya, İstanbul |
Dursun Koçer, İstanbul |
Halis Yerlikaya, Elazığ |
Klaus Kreiser, Bamberg |
Nuran Yıldırım, İstanbul |
Shigehisa Kuriyama, Boston |
Şehsuvar Zebitay, İstanbul |
Mübahat Kütükoğlu, İstanbul |
Tuncay Zorlu, İstanbul |
Afife Mat, İstanbul |

ISSN 1303-3123
Published by
Istanbul University